Friday, March 16, 2007

Let the fencing practices begin!

For those who attended the meeting today, you are in for a treat. Consider yourself as participants in the reality game/show, Survivor or maybe even American Idol. Twenty of you came to the meeting, and only ten of you will be loaned fencing equipments in MAY (Of course you are welcome to attend the practices and be part of the club.) Every Monday and Wednesdays, you will come up to the basketball court to work out and learn the basics of fencing. Bring your student contract (if you got one) on Monday and I will keep them and place a stamp for every time you participate in the practices afterschool. Those who accumulate the most stamps will get equipments loaned to them without paying any fees. So I encourage each and one of you to do your best and dedicate yourself. Good Luck!

P.S. You can email me at:

~Jonathan Kim, President & Founder of Hollywood Sheik Fencer's Club

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